Send Bulk Tokens and NFTs in Minutes

Step 1

Connect to your Metamask wallet using the correct chain associated with the token you want to send. If you are on the wrong page, you will be notified to use the correct tool related to the suitable chain.

Step 2

Enter the token contract address from which you will send the tokens and fetch the information. Follow the same format to avoid errors that may occur. Limit distribution to a maximum of 500 addresses.

Step 3

Copy and paste the destination wallet address(s) with the number of tokens to send and then parse. Enter the total amount of tokens you will send and then approve of allowing your wallet to interact with the contract.

Token Creator Tool


The Token Creator Tool, developed by Bulk Token Sender, is a powerful utility that allows users to create their own custom tokens on a blockchain network. Whether you're launching a new project, conducting an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), or exploring decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities, the Token Creator Tool provides a user-friendly interface to create and deploy tokens quickly and efficiently.


Feature Description
Token Configuration Specify token name, symbol, decimal places, and other parameters.
Smart Contract Generation Automatically generate the smart contract code for the token.
Customizable Token Economy Define token supply, initial distribution, and tokenomics.
Token Deployment Deploy the token smart contract to the desired blockchain network.
Security and Compliance Ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices.

Use Case

One possible use case for the Token Creator Tool is a startup launching its own Initial Coin Offering (ICO) to raise funds for a new project. The startup can utilize the Token Creator Tool to create a custom token with the desired token parameters, such as token supply, distribution, and tokenomics. Once the token is created, it can be deployed to a blockchain network, allowing the startup to conduct its ICO and distribute tokens to investors.