Send Bulk Tokens and NFTs in Minutes

Step 1

Connect to your Metamask wallet using the correct chain associated with the token you want to send. If you are on the wrong page, you will be notified to use the correct tool related to the suitable chain.

Step 2

Enter the token contract address from which you will send the tokens and fetch the information. Follow the same format to avoid errors that may occur. Limit distribution to a maximum of 500 addresses.

Step 3

Copy and paste the destination wallet address(s) with the number of tokens to send and then parse. Enter the total amount of tokens you will send and then approve of allowing your wallet to interact with the contract.

Bulk Campaign Sender Tool


The Bulk Campaign Sender Tool, developed by Bulk Token Sender, is a blockchain-powered utility designed to streamline the process of sending bulk campaigns or announcements to a targeted audience. Whether you need to distribute important updates, promotional offers, or event notifications, the Bulk Campaign Sender Tool provides a convenient solution to send personalized messages to a large number of recipients simultaneously.


Feature Description
Bulk Campaign Distribution Send campaigns or announcements to multiple recipients in a single batch.
Recipient Segmentation Segment recipients based on various criteria to send targeted messages.
Personalization Customize campaign content and include personalized information for each recipient.
Blockchain Integration Leverage the transparency and immutability of blockchain technology to ensure secure and tamper-proof campaign distribution.
Campaign Analytics Track and analyze campaign performance, including delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates.

Use Case

One possible use case for the Bulk Campaign Sender Tool is a marketing team that wants to promote a new product launch to a large customer base. The team can utilize the Bulk Campaign Sender Tool to segment customers based on demographics or purchase history and send personalized campaign messages to each segment. By leveraging the tool's features, the marketing team can efficiently deliver targeted messages, increase customer engagement, and track the campaign's performance through analytics.